Saturday, 9 February 2008

swansea surfing blog- Student surfing swansea

Students come to the 'city of surfing' Swansea for a number of different reasons. Some actually come to study, Yes apparently it’s true…Some come for the Swansea night clubs and nightlife, But a growing number come for the Swansea surfing scene. At Swanseasurfschool and gowersurfschool, Progress surf Academy we introduce you to surfing in Wales the right way. Helping you to have fun and enjoy your surfing from day one. We provide Swansea surfing lessons and gower surfing lessons to anyone who is keane to learn to surf and all surfing equipment provided. We also provide valuable surfing lessons and coaching to more experienced surfers. We also provide Gower surfboard hire, surfing equipment rental and Swansea surfboard hire.
check out

Swanseasurfschool and gowersurfschool, Progress surf Academy offer Swansea Student taster surfing lessons in Swansea and surfing lessons in Gower. Learn to surf Gower, learn to surf swansea and learn to surf Wales in a fun, friendly and safe surfing environment all equipment included at greatly discounted prices. As a one off surfing experience or as part of a course of Welsh surfing lessons you are garanteed a fantastic time with our Progress surf Academy Welsh surfing instructors in the Gower surf and Swansea surf! We opporate student taster surfing lessons 7 days a week at Caswell and Llangennith beaches Gower S. Wales. Pricing can be viewed here

SWanseasurfschool and gowersurfschool, Progress surf Academy have come to gether with Swansea university surfing club to bring swansea students excellent value for money. If you join Swansea university surf club, you will then qualify for great discounts on all Swansea surfing lessons with Progress surf Academy, Swanseasurfschool and gowersurfschool. Progress surf Academy instructors give you all the help you need to take your surfing to the next level. By adapting our surf coaching to suit your needs, we give you exactly what you need to help your surfing progress! For Pricing click here

At Progress surf Academy, swanseasurfschool and gowersurfschool We offer practical surfing advice and surf coaching on how to surf better and how to achieve more in surfing contests. We actually get in the water with you to bring you on the spot surf coaching. Progress surfing organise local surfing contests and will be on scene to support you at national surfing contests. For further information contact us

Video analysis surf coaching is widely regarded as the best way to coach advanced level surfers. We can get great footage of your surfing which you can keep. We offer great advice on how to surf harder and surf smoother. Watching yourself on video will suprise and shock you! For further details Contact us

Swansea surfing blog-Youth surfing lessons

At Swansea surf school we are committed to helping young people in Wales participate in sport. We strongly support the 5x60 scheme in Wales which encourages children to take part in at least 5x60 minuite sessions of exercise each week. We believe that welsh surfing lessons are a fantastic way of involving young people in surfing in Wales water sports and Welsh sporting activities in Wales.
Youth inclusion is at the heart of our youth surfing development scheme Read more here... We have a proven track record and great success working with many different youth groups whilst always promoting possitive outcomes, you can read more here
At our gowersurfschool and swanseasurfschool, Progress sur Academy, We structure our courses by using schemes such as the 'Junior Surfer Scheme' indorsed by the BSA, British surfing Association and the 'Children's University' organised in Swansea by the city and county of Swansea for further info click here
Even at entry level the health benefits of surfing in Wales and learning to surf Wales are clear. The social interaction and personal confidence that our Welsh surfing lessons inspire have clear advantages promoting youth surfing development both in the Swansea, Gower area and further afield. We seek to develope Social inclusion skills and promote positive outcomes in youth through our Swansea surfing lessons. Developing personal skills through outdoor learning. The personal and social rewards of our lessons may take a little longer than the initial excitement but will become more apparent in individuals the more they surf!
Swanseasurfschool and Gowersurfschool, Progress surf Academy is approved by the City and county of Swansea to take surfing lessons at both Council owned beaches and national trust beaches. All coaches are qualified through the BSA are beach lifeguards and all are CRB checked.

Prices of our youth surfing development scheme just gets cheeper the more places you book. It is well worth while group leaders getting in touch for a quote we are usually prepared to give you a great price contact us

Swanseasurfschool and Gowersurfschool, Progress surf Academy Provide fully integrated surfing packages to schools, colleges and youth inclusion groups.
Progress youth surfing courses follow the guidlines set out by the national curriculum. Progress surf Academy structure their surfing courses by using schemes such as the Junior surfer scheme indorsed by the BSA and The Childrens University which is a national youth acievement scheme indorsed in Swansea by the city and county of Swansea.

During 2008 it will become compulsory for all schools to provide some kind of outdoor adventurous activities to all students.
As surfing in Wales is now the most popular outdoor activity amongst young people in Wales Progress surf Academy a Swanseasurfschool and Gowersurfschool courses offer a fantastic way for schools to stay ahead of the game.

All Progress surfing courses are provided to youth groups and schools at hugely discounted prices! The more you buy the cheeper the lessons become

For pricing please contact us

Swanseasurfschool and Gowersurfschool, Progress surf Academy youth surfing after school surfing lessons provide a perfect introduction to surfing in Wales. Progress surf Academy provide safe fun, friendly lessons for all to enjoy. Progress after school surf academy is based at Caswell beach, Gower. Classes run 3 days a week from 4.30pm and all equipment is included. These lessons form part of our youth development scheme, lessons are provided at greatly reduced prices. For details of pricing click here To book contact us

At our swanseasurfschool and gowersurfschool, Progress surf Academy, we Develope a love for surfing in Wales and invest in the future talent of Welsh surfing. Our Saturday and Sunday morning surf club aims to give children who might find it difficult to attand lessons during the week the opportunity to surf with our BSA qualified, CRB checked coaches.
These surfing lessons again form part of our youth surfing development scheme and so our youth surfing development lessons are offered at half our normal price!
All surfing equipment is provided and our coaches have a really fun and friendly approach towards the kids and the lessons.
To book contact us

Our swanseasurfschool and gowersurfschool, Progress surf Academy surfing lessons in Wales are a great way of improving quickly and developing a passion for the welsh surfing life. These surfing lessons run through out half term and are for full days surfing tuition. One full day is 2x 2 hour sessions and the day runs from 9.30am untill 3.30pm. Days can be booked one at a time although booking multiple days will mean further discounts.
If you bring your child down with some warm clothes and a packed lunch for the lunch beak we will take care of the rest. You could drop them off in the morning and then pick them up again in the afternoon giving you six hours to yourselves.
For pricing click here To book contact us

Friday, 8 February 2008

swansea surfing blog-surfing for all

At our Gowersurfschool and Swansesurfschool, Progress surf Academy we actively promote Welsh surfing lessons, gower surfing lessons and swansea surfing lessons as an outdoor activity and water sport for all to enjoy. The feeling that you get when you first catch and surf a wave makes surfing in Wales something that you really have to try...Our customers love our surf lessons and we love providing them!

Once you catch your first few waves you will realise that learning to surf in wales is really not just for the kids. Surfing in Wales actually seams to make adults feel that they are kids again!
We know that to take your family for a fun day out may mean working solidly for a month to pay it off. Well not anymore!
Swanseasurfschool and Gowersurfschool, Progress surf Academy bring you great value Welsh surfing lessons, all equipment and tuition is provided.
For pricing click here To book your Swansea surf school family surf lessons contact us

Gowersurfschool and Swanseasurfschool, Progress surf Academy Welsh surfing lessons are a perfect introduction to surfing for anyone starting out Learning to surf. With Gowersurfschool and Swanseasurfschool, Progress surf Academy learn to surf Wales in a fun, friendly and safe surfing environment. As a one off or as part of a course of Welsh surfing lessons you are garanteed a fantastic time with us surfing in the Gower surf!
At Progress surf Academy we actually get in the water with you to bring you a very face to face, fun friendly surf instructor service. We start off with the basics and try to give you a good base level of skill which you can build on.
We meet thousands of people through our Gowersurfschool and Swanseasurfschool, Progress surf Academy each year and we have never yet taught anyone who didn't get something out of it. Most will enjoy our lessons to the max! for pricing click here

Girls Progress surf lessons at Gowersurfschool and Swanseasurfschool give girls the opportunity to socialise and Progress their surfing with girls of a similar age. Girls Progress surfing lessons are always great fun and help to push up the standard of girls surfing as well as being a perfect introduction to first time surfers.
At Progress surf Academy, Gowersurfschool and Swanseasurfschool we really believe in girls surfing development and to that effect have reserved a number of dates throughout the year for girls progress surf sessions. For dates of our Progress surf girls weekends click here
For pricing of the Progress girls weekends click here

At swanseasurfschool and gowersurfschool, Progress surf Academy a stagg and hen surfing party is a great way to spend your stagg or hen party in Wales. We make a special effort to make your day as enjoyable as possible. We actually get in the water with you and join in the fun! You will be issued with the very best surfing equipment and recieve surfing tuition from fully qualified BSA instructors, which is tailored to your needs.
Whether you are looking to have a full day intensive surfing lesson or would simply like the day to have a much fun as possible we can cater for your surfing stag and hen parties.
For details of pricing contact us The Stagg or Hen always goes for FREE!